What is toning?
The concept of muscle toning is to make muscles firmer i.e. tensing the muscle fibres which are used to support our skeleton and help us move our body and/or objects.
The aim is to develop muscle strength to maintain general health and well being.
The benefits of toning
Muscle toning helps to: to take up sports again gently, and shape your figure and your upper body: arms, forearms, shoulders, trapezius and dorsal muscles, as well as the whole upper back.
Thanks to this technique, you will get in shape again while getting used to moving.
Dumbbell bodybuilding exercises to tone your body
We offer several bodybuilding exercises with dumbbells to work all the muscles in the body.
Work your shoulders, thighs, biceps, triceps and pecs with our videos on domyos.com (Domyos Coach > Free Exercises > Dumbbell Exercises).
To get the most out of your product, check out our free exercise videos
Domyos.com offers workout videos filmed and narrated by coaches from our Domyos Club fitness centres.