What products is this part compatible with?
This spare part has been developed, tested, and optimised to be compatible with the following equipment only:
↪ 520 Rectangular trampoline (ref: 8529108).
Don't remember the name? Find your model in the photo above.
↪ Not compatible with other Decathlon models.
↪ Not compatible with models from other brands.
Please make sure to check if this part is compatible with your equipment.Don't hesitate to ask us!
What do you absolutely need to know about this part?
This is an original spare part sold individually, without screws.
It connects the entire frame: post / central tube / L-shaped leg.
Find everything you need to assemble it here:
↪ Screws - 520 Rectangular (ref: 8647202)
↪ L-shaped leg - 520 Rectangular (ref: 8647111)
↪ Central tube - 520 Rectangular (ref: 8647108)
↪ Lower post - 520 Rectangular (ref: 8647134)
Copy and paste this reference number: 8xxxxxx into the Decathlon search bar to find and order it.
When will I need to use this part?
Noticed that your frame is warped or your joint is damaged?
You can repair your equipment with this part.
Remember to check the rest of the metal tubes and make sure your floor is flat.
For all other issues, you should know that our equipment is repairable in most cases.
Find all of our spare parts on the Decathlon website.
We guarantee that our spare parts will be available for 10 years from the date on which you purchase a new product so that you can repair your sports equipment.
How to maintain your product to ensure it lasts
Reduce the risk of malfunction by ensuring the regular maintenance of your equipment in compliance with recommendations. Check that all the screws and components are properly attached to ensure optimal use. Cleaning after each use will help to prevent build-up of residue and extend the life span of your equipment. For additional tips, consult our support site or refer to the user guide.
Do you know about our Decathlon Support site?
Visit our support website.
You'll find user guides, tutorials*, practical tips*, and spare parts* for maintaining and repairing your equipment on your own.
* Availability by country and product.