4 parts that are non-symmetrical between the right and left foot:
_ 1 strap fitting with pre-drilled positions / right foot
_ 1 ratcheted strap fitting / right foot
_ 1 strap fitting with pre-drilled positions / left foot
_ 1 ratcheted strap fitting / left foot
Compatibility with bindings sold individually
_ SERENITY 500 / 8561271 (1° winter - September 2020)
_ ENDZONE 500 / 8547195 (Sept 2019)
_ SERENITY 100 / 8528038 (Sept 2018)
_ ALL ROAD 100 / 8515836 (Sept 2018)
_ ILLUSION 700 / 8398081 (Sept 2017)
_ ILLUSION 400 / 8368344 (Sept 2016)
Compatibility with bindings sold as a pack (snowboard + bindings)
_ ENDZONE 500/8528077 (1st winter - September 2018) Snowboard PACK
_ SERENITY 500/8493879 (SEP 2018) Snowboard PACK
_ ENDZONE 400 Jib / 8398552 (Sept 2017) Snowboard PACK
_ ENDZONE 500 Park & Ride / 8397796 (Sept 2017) Snowboard Pack
_ BULLWHIP 500 All Road / 8371180 (Sept 2016) Snowboard PACK
_ DREAMSCAPE 700 Powder / 8344835 (Sep 2016) Snowboard PACK.
How to change the strap attachment
_ remove the binding from the board,
_ turn the binding to remove the old strap fitting from underneath,
_ when it gets stiff, go ahead and force it,
_ put the new strap in its place, pushing it in from below and pulling it on top to get past the point where it gets stiff.
If you have several strap fittings to replace, complete one binding properly then the other so that you always have one to follow and know where each strap goes.
outer side: width 2.3 cm / length 18 cm
on the inside: width 2.3 cm / length 11 cm