DECATHLON HELLAS SPORTING GOODS M.EPE, based in Egaleo, Proodou 3, organizes a promotional event. The promotion is for the raffle of a gift card of value €200 and is valid for in-app purchases only for a limited time. In particular, the following applies to energy:

- Making at least one purchase over 30 euros (€)

- For orders exclusively through the application

- Valid until September 23, 11:59 pm

Your participation is automatically recorded with every purchase through the app worth more than €30 & you enter the competition for the draw.


1.  The employees of the Company as well as their first and second degree relatives and their spouses are excluded from the draw.

2.  Eligible to participate in the Competition are those who have completed the 18th year of age.

3.  To participate, at least 1 purchase worth more than €30 is required.

4.  The participant must be a permanent resident of Greece. 

5.  Participation in the Competition is valid if the participant:

a. downloads the "Decathlon Sports Shop" application (if they haven't already) on their mobile phone

b. make at least 1 purchase worth more than €30 through the application

6. The participant can declare additional participations with each additional purchase worth more than €30 through the application.

7. Participation is not valid if the participant does not implement the required actions listed in conditions (5).

8. The winner will be announced after an electronic draw by the Company.

9. During the electronic communication, the winner will be asked for his/her full details (name, full address, mobile phone number) for the possibility of identity verification during the delivery of the gift. Personal data is managed in accordance with current legislation (Full statement on the Company's Privacy Policy can be found here.

10. By participating in the Competition, the participant automatically accepts the inclusion of the e-mail message account he/she declares, in the list of acceptance of informational messages from the Company.

11. The prize is specific, personal and non-exchangeable, nor can it be requested to be replaced with another or redeemed for money, at any price. The gift to be delivered under these conditions is provided in the condition in which it is and is, excluding the application of the provisions on the seller's liability or other provisions establishing liability with regard to actual defects, agreed properties, etc., against the Company.

12. The Company is released from the obligation to deliver a gift in case the conditions of participation in the competition have not been met in any way.


1. The Competition will start on 13/09/2024 at 12:00:00 (GMT+2) and will end on 23/09/2024 at 23:59:59 (GMT+2), with an active duration (10) of ten days.

  In the above time frame, participants will have the opportunity to be drawn to win a gift card prize worth a total of €200 (two hundred euros). A total of 1 (one) prize will be drawn.

The announcement will be made through our Instagram page, while the name of the winner will be posted on this page as well.

  The draw will be conducted through an electronic program to ensure the integrity of the results, without the intervention of a natural person. In the event that for technical reasons the electronic draw is not possible, the Company reserves the right to set a new draw date after notification to the contestants. Following the draw, the company will attempt to contact the winner of the prize within one week (7 Days) after the relevant announcement of the winner through email.

The Company reserves the right:

a. In the event that the winner does not respond to the Company's communication efforts within the above-mentioned 7 (Seven) days after the announcement of the winner, the latter will consider that the winner waives the right to to the prize and will contact the next winner after a new draw with the same applicable terms of communication. In the event that none of the potential winners do not respond, the Company has every right to conduct a new draw, without further notice.

b. To refuse the granting of the prize, if it finds that the winner commits at any stage of the Competition or subsequently actions that automatically invalidate the validity of his/her participation, even until the final delivery of the prize.

4. The prize will be delivered to the winner within 14 (Fourteen) days after the end of the Contest. In the event that the Company does not receive a timely response from the winner of the Competition, it has the right to extend the aforementioned period of time without further warning.


1.  The management and protection of the personal data of the user / participant in the competition is governed by the terms and the relevant provisions of both Greek law and European Law.

  The details of the participants, except for the respective winner / winner and runners-up respectively, are not disclosed to third parties (with the exception where provided by law to the competent authorities only), but their personal character is preserved.

  The Company maintains files with this data exclusively for the purposes of communication, sending informative emails, statistics and improving its services.

  In any case, the user / participant in the competition has the possibility, after contacting the competent department and ascertaining the existence of personal file, to request its deletion, correction or change.

  Participation in the competition constitutes an automatic and unconditional acceptance of these General Terms, without any further charge or procedure.

  A full statement of the Company's Privacy Policy can be found here

  The Company reserves the right to modify the terms of the Contest, to change the offered gifts, to extend or shorten the duration of the Contest and without notice.